With aging can come various maladies that make walking far distances challenging or painful. Here is how to apply for a handicapped parking permit.
Posted 2019-08-28T15:15:50+00:00 - Updated 2021-09-09T12:40:40+00:00 By Liisa OgburnIf you suffer from a chronic condition that makes walking painful or difficult, like heart or lung disease, are blind, or if you use a wheelchair or cane, you may be eligible for a permit which allows you to park in handicapped parking places.
Each state has its own criteria and application form.
In North Carolina, to get an ongoing or temporary placard, you must complete only the applicant’s section of this form. Your medical provider must complete and sign the Medical Provider section.
The temporary placard is effective for one to six months. The permanent placard is effective for up to five years, at which point the applicant must apply to extend the permit. Medical recertification is not required for applicants renewing their placard over the age of 80.
The placard is portable from one vehicle to another. The cost is $5/placard (with a limit of two). To receive the placard, one must go to the Department of Motor Vehicles with the application, documentation verifying age and identity, and the fee. However, you can also mail the application, documentation verifying age and identity, and fee to North Carolina Division of Motor Vehicles, 3148 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27697-3148. If you are eager to go in-person, it is recommended you make an appointment here.
In order to get a license plate, you must fill out the same form, provide documentation, but pay $36. The sticker for the license plate must be renewed annually.