Apply For A Business License Renton, Washington

What is the process to obtain a business license in Renton, Washington?

Any business operating within the city of Renton is required to acquire a City of Renton Business License Application. In addition, businesses will need to complete the Master Business Application and receive their Unified Business Identifier (UBI) business license number before they can transact business in Washington.

As part of the process, your business will need to be compliant regarding Renton’s zoning and fire safety regulations. If your business is located outside of Renton’s city limits but you engage in business in Renton, you will be required to complete an Out of City Business License Application. Certain businesses are required by law to pay special taxes, usually involving gambling, entertainment and admission-type businesses.

What information is required to have to fill out an application?

You will need the following information:

What is the cost of the licenses?

The licenses are valid until the end of the calendar year. If a license is issued during the final three months of the year it will not expire until the end of the following year. Here are the costs of the licenses:

Where do I apply?

Once the forms have been completed and fees (check or money order) paid, you can visit our office Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Call (425) 430-6851, fax (425) 430-6983, or mail the application to:

City of Renton
License Division
1055 South Grady Way
Renton, WA 98057

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