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English Conversation BOOK 1
contents Introduction Units 1
Chatting to people The language of conversation
Travelling Travelling around
Days out Seeing the sights
Health Looking after your health
Service with a smile Dealing with various services
Shopping Doing some shopping
Going out Socializing
Eating w ith friends Restaurant conversation
Where we live Organizing your accommodation
Help! Coping with
Sâch1 Ca v — v~/1 1Ngira n
Telephoning and writing Making calls, sending emails and letters
8 chatting to people Hello You will often w ant to be able to chat with people and get to know them better. The phrases in this unit will help you talk to friends, family, people at work and people that you meet.
Greetings Use H e llo . as a general greeting. It is polite to say hello to anyone in any situation. Hellojorge. Hello DrAhmed. Use H i . in informal situations, for example when you are meeting friends. Hi, how are things with you? Oh hi Adam, I didn't know you were coming. Use Good m o rn in g , Good aftern o o n or Good e ve n in g in slightly more formal situations, for instance if you meet a neighbour, or when you see people at work. Good m orning everyone. Today we are going to be looking at how to formguestions. Good afternoon Mr Kowalski.
GOOD TO KNOW! In English, there is no greeting starting with 'Good' that is for the whole day.
useGoodly 5 a C h C a N g i r a Goo u uyc v_iai a, i lave a id ic juui 11try.
chatting to people 9 G o o d b y e . is often shortened to B y e . Bye everyone! Use G o o d n ig h t. w hen you are going to bed, or if someone else is going to bed. G o o d n ig h t everyone - see you in the morning. See y o u . is a rather informal w ay of saying goodbye to someone you know you will see again. OK, I need to go now. See you! See you tomorrow! See yo u on Monday!
Introducing people If you w ant to introduce someone to som eone else, use T h is i s . To introduce a group of people, use T h e s e a r e . T h is is my husband, Richard. T h is is Medina, my friend from school. T h ese are my children, Andrew, Gordon and Em m a. T h ese are my parents.
GO O D TO KNOW! W hen you are introduced to someone, you can ju st say Hello, or in a slightly more formal situation, say Pleased to meet you.
Sach Ca Ngira U seful w ords introduce
to tell people each other's names so that they can get to know each other
io chatting to people Talking about yourself When you are talking to people, you will probably w ant to tell them some things about you. To say w hat your name is. use I'm . or, in a slightly more formal situation, M y n a m e 's . Hi, rm T a riq -l'm a frie n d o fS u si. I'm Paul - I'm your teacher. My n am e'sjo h an n . My nam e's Yuko - I'm Kazuo's sister.
If you w ant to say how old you are. use I’m . You can ju st say a number, or you can add . y e a rs o ld after the number. I'm twenty-two. I'm thirty-seven ye ars old
To give general information about yourself, use I'm . I'm a friend of Paolo's. I'm married. I’m interested in old cars.
To talk about your work, use I'm . w ith the name of a job. or I w o r k . to say something more general about w hat you do. I’m a doctor.
U sefu l w ords an adult married
a fully grown person having a husband or wife
chatting to people n I w orkforan oil company. I work in Paris. I work as a translator.
GOOD TO KNOW! If you want to ask someone what theirjob is, use What do you do?. To talk about where you live, use I liv e . or I’m from . I’m from . is also used to talk about where you were born and lived as a child, even if you do not live there now. I live in Wales. We live near Moscow. I'm from Poland, but I live in Paris now. We’re from Manchester.
GOOD TO KNOW! To ask someone where they live, use Where do you live? or
Where are you from?
Asking for information After saying hello to someone, especially someone we know, we usually ask about their health, by saying How are y o u ? . Hello, Jan. How are you? It's great to see you, Anna. How are you?
GOOD TO KNOW! To answer that question, use I'm fine, thanks, or I’m good, th an ks.. If you are n
Useful words a translator
Sâch Ca Ng someone whose job is to change words into a different language
chatting to people
To ask someone you know about their life in general, use H ow are th in g s? or How are th in g s w ith you?
Hello.Jan. How are things? Nice to see you, Karl. How are things w ith you? When you are chatting to someone, you will want to ask them about their life. Use Tell me . for general questions. Tell me about your family. Tell me a bit about yourself.
Tell m eaboutyourwork. To ask someone to describe something, use W h a t 's . like? W h at’s your course like? W hat's your home town like? W h a t’s your hotel like?
You can also use other general question words such as W h e r e . ?, W hen . ? or W h y . ? W here is your office? W here do you work? W here are you staying? W hen did you meet Olga? W hen is his party? W hen are you going to start your course? W hy did you decide to become a teacher?
The e a sie st w ay to im prove yo u r spoken English Easy Learning English Conversation: B ook i is part of the bestselling and acclaim ed Easy Learning range, and is ideal for school, work and home study.
Easy to use All the phrases you need to speak English confidently
Easy to read Clear and practical tips help you com m unicate effectively in all situations
Easy to sp eak An audio CD teaches you how the phrases work in real conversations
Collins 4.5-billion-w ord corpus is updated every month, and shows how language is really used by us all today.
Ideal for speakers of English at
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